Cry, by definition is to, shed tears, especially as an expression of distress or pain. Meaning that, something emotionally distressful or overwhelming has taken place to cause a reaction in our bodies to produce tears and expose us to, dangers, open arms, and embarrassment.
How to is a little bit different too explain.
FIRST: breakdown
SECOND: get mad or deny what is happening, hold it in because it will make you seem weak to cry in front of people or weak because you don't cry over stupid things
THIRD: let it out, ALL of it. Let it all out the tears the screams the pain the joy whatever it is that is burdening your heart let it all out.
people can cry for all sorts of reasons, stress, pain, joy. But why we cry doesn't matter as much as the fact that we do, we must in order to stay sane and work through times. Crying is NOT weak it is not embarrassing or stupid. I cherish the moments when people cry with me or in front of me because that means in that moment, they needed to cry and they trusted me enough to open up and express themselves.
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